Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh my hell

So apparently, I can't post auditions on U tube. Good hell. I got this email today:

Dear nickparkemmamom,

This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a notification by FOX claiming that this material is infringing:
Scott Macintyre American Idol 08:

AND... the other cool video of him singing and playing, was taken down too. Seriously... I'm totally bugged. Whatever, it got 2,225 views before they yanked it! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!


We in Minnesota said...

I truly need you beautiful women to explain to me what it is about American Idol that you just have to watch it and share in the joy of it. I am a non-American Idol fan and I truly don't get it. Jenny, please explain. This is a disease that I have watched you go through for years. What is it all about??????

Anonymous said...

I am not one to play by the rules either... have fun and good luck this season.