Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Girls were....BLECH...

Seriously, what is going on? Brooke, and Carly, were the ONLY ones worth mentioning. The rest were pointless, forgettable, out of tune, horrid, and looked terrible.

Sorry, I know I said I wasn't going to be negative, but HELLO!!?!??! They really need to get better! I don't get HOW, the vocal coach let's them go on with these HORRIBLE songs! Oh, and when I say horrible, it is with an English accent! ;)

Oh, and stupid Fox news here in Utah. They did a story on Brooke, cuz you know...she has family HERE in UTAH! *gasp* Anyway, they did a little blurb on how the judges liked her, and then...I swear to you...the (insert your own negative superlative) reporter says, (using her stupid reporter voice) "Brooke has family in Logan, and is MORMON."

OH MY HELL!!!!! Seriously... I know I'm excited about it, not really excited, just think it's cool, but hey...I'm from the East coast. The only mormons I knew on TV were Donny and Marie! But the "NEWS"?

Come one people...

Now this has nothing to do with Idol, but Fox news again...being idiots. They were covering the tragic story of a high school girl who was killed in a freak car accident. At the end of the piece, the "reporter" said, "She was a VERY popular girl." With an over emphasis on popular. So apparently it is MORE tragic, cuz she was SO popular. If she was a band geek with no friends, no one would care.

*rolling eyes*

K, I'm done.

1 comment:

Patricia Hodge said...

I have been telling my daughter since Brooke auditioned that she had to be mormon. I wondered about David just because he is from Utah. I know that is such a stereotype. In Texas, if you are from Utah, there is a 99% chance you are mormon. Thanks for keeping this blog. I will be a regular.