Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Oh my hell. It's a freaking SINGING competition... ok, apparently not.

Now, I'm not into guy liner, and black nail polish. But he is CLEARLY the best singer I have heard in a long time. His strength and power- regardless of his high pitched screaming- was unmatched in this competition. I'm so sick of hearing people didn't like him, because of his appearence. Can we talk about La dy Ga ga? When I see her, I want to throw up, she really needs meds or something. But her music is great! And don't get me started on the gay thing... WHY DOES IT MATTER!!??!?! Ok... I'll shut up now.

Whatever, he will be a superstar. I am happy for Kris, I really am. I think he was the most improved! :) He will have his yr of fame, as he rides Idol coat tails. heehee... Adam doesn't need coat tails...

Anyway, that is what I have to say about this years Idol.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh my hell

So apparently, I can't post auditions on U tube. Good hell. I got this email today:

Dear nickparkemmamom,

This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a notification by FOX claiming that this material is infringing:
Scott Macintyre American Idol 08: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8nS3AFbcHA

AND... the other cool video of him singing and playing, was taken down too. Seriously... I'm totally bugged. Whatever, it got 2,225 views before they yanked it! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's finally here!!!

Every year, I wait with the same anticipation. And every year, when the music starts, I cry. I know...I'm a loser... don't much care! I love me some IDOL!!

So tonight, I was ...eh... about most of them. There was one from Ut. WHY, he went to phoenix, idk, but he was cute. But the odds of lightning striking my area twice are not great. Ya know?

So they keep telling me about the "inspirational story" coming up. And I'll admit, I put up a wall. Blah blah, save him for last, blah blah, he's blind, blah blah, your trying to bait me, and I'm not falling for it! Then, he started to sing. And I started to cry.

If you are new to this blog, I watch idol to find my favorite. To find someone I know. To find the one who will make me cry. Clay was my first. And then it took 6 years to find David, and "knowing" him, was all three.

SCOTT MACINTYRE is my Season 8 Favorite. They may have made me wait through all the crap to find him, but it's fine he was worth it.

Here is his audition.

Here is some I found on Youtube, Wow. I'm hooked...

I will TRY to keep my heart and mind open. Wow...maybe this year, I'll have MORE thatn one!! :)